
1.23. Autoradio tape recorder

Technical characteristic
Protection against theft
The coded device with a four-digit code
Output power, W
4 x 20 6 x 20 (Audi A8)
Power of columns, W:
forward doors
back doors
back shelf

2 x 50
2 x 25
1 x 50
Additional equipment
the automatic antenna with the electric drive the CD player
Range of frequencies, Hz/dB
Noise level, dB
Coefficient of nonlinear distortions, %
5-20 000/0,3

Keys for search of radio stations (fig. 1-63).

Fig. 1-63. Arrangement of keys of search of radio stations (1), handles of inclusion and volume control (2)

Pressing one of keys for search of radio stations carries out automatic search of radio stations in the necessary direction.

For manual search of radio stations press both keys during more than 2 pages. On the display MAN symbol appears. Now when pressing the top or lower key step-by-step search of radio stations in the necessary direction is carried out.
By pressing and long deduction of a key the speed of step-by-step search of radio stations increases.
Through 10 from later end of search of radio stations the receiver automatically switches to the normal mode of search of radio stations.

Handle of inclusion and volume control (fig. 1-63). The radio receiver joins and switched off by the volume control handle.
If on the car the automatic antenna is installed, then at turning on of the radio receiver it starts.
If the key is taken from the ignition lock, the radio receiver is automatically switched off, at inclusion of ignition – again turns on.
At the switched-off ignition it is possible to turn on the radio receiver, turning the handle of loudness 2. Time of its work of-1 h. After this time the radio receiver is automatically switched off. After repeated inclusion the radio receiver works again during 1 h.
Loudness smoothly changes turn of the handle of the regulator of loudness.

Fig. 1-64. An arrangement of handles of the regulator of a timbre of high (3) and low (4) frequencies and the regulator of loudness depending on car speed

The regulator of a timbre (fig. 1-64) (Treble – high frequencies) and volume control depending on the speed of the car (GALA).

Adjustment of a timbre
• Press the handle – it will be released.
• Establish by turn of the handle a desirable timbre of a sound.
• Press the handle – it will be fixed.

Volume control depending on car speed
At increase in speed of the movement noise level in interior of the car increases. Volume of sound depending on the speed of the car is regulated the handle (GALA).
• Press the handle – it is released, pull the handle on yourself.
• Inclusion: turn the handle to the right.
• Switching off: turn the handle to the left.
If it is necessary to change volume of sound, rotate only the volume control handle, and change of loudness depending on the speed of the car will automatically happen.

The regulator of a timbre (fig. 1-64) (Bass – low frequencies) and adjustment of balance between forward and back columns.

Adjustment of a timbre (Bass – low frequencies)
• Press the handle – it is released.
• Establish by turn of the handle a desirable timbre of a sound.
• Press the handle – it will be fixed.

Balance regulator
• Press the handle – it is released, pull the handle on yourself.
• Turning the handle, establish desirable balance of a sound between forward and back columns.
• Press the handle – it will be fixed.

Fig. 1-65. An arrangement of buttons of the fixed settings of stations of the radio receiver and the choice of a compact disk (5), inclusion of AM (6) or FM (7) of ranges

Buttons of the fixed settings of stations of the radio receiver (fig. 1-65) and the choice of a compact disk (CD).

Buttons of the fixed settings of stations
Short-term pressing: inclusion of the fixed control for previously chosen radio station.
Long pressing before emergence of a pause in the accepted transfer: storing of a current setting in the manual mode.
On the display the frequency of the working radio station and number at which the radio station is brought in memory is displayed.
It is possible to enter 12 radio stations into memory in FM range (on 6 in two ranges) and 6 radio stations in AM range.

Choice of a compact disk (CD).
• By short-term pressing of the button playing of the corresponding compact disk begins.
Number of the chosen compact disk is highlighted on the display, for example CD 01. If the compact disk is not established, on the display NO CD is highlighted.

Button of inclusion of AM of the range (fig. 1-65). When pressing the button the radio receiver switches to reception of radio stations in the range of average waves. Information on the chosen range is output to the display.

Button of inclusion of FM 1/2 of the range (fig. 1-65). When pressing the button the radio receiver switches to reception of radio stations in the range of very high frequency (FM I or FM II).
Transition from FM I range to the range of FM II is carried out repeated pressing of the button. Information on the chosen range is output to the display.

Fig. 1-66. An arrangement of the TR (transport radio) button (8) with the integrated EON function

The TR (transport radio) button with the integrated EON function (fig. 1-66). The radio station transfers information on a road situation.
After pressing of the TP key of the TP and EON function are activated.
If to press the TP button more than 2 about the radio receiver switch to AM range, the TP function is switched off.

Fig. 1-67. Arrangement of the RDS (9) button

Radio Data System (fig. 1-67).
The radio receiver can accept signals of system of radio data of RDS. If the signal to the chosen radio station in the range of FM satisfies to the RDS standard, the receiver is automatically adjusted on that frequency which provides the best quality of reception.
The RDS button has 2 functions.
Pressing of the button RDS joins.
Pressing of the button regional radio stations REG ON and according to REG OFF join.

At turning on of the receiver or search of radio stations automatically there is a search of RDS radio stations. At the same time the symbol of RDS is highlighted on the display.
At reception of the radio station working in the RDS mode on the display the name of the station, for example BAYERN 3 is highlighted.
At trips on a long distance and adverse conditions of reception it was necessary to reconstruct the radio receiver. RDS automatically from the list of alternative frequencies will find most the best and will include it. This process happens silently.
At the included RDS also radio stations which do not transfer the RDS program now can be accepted. Therefore it is recommended that this radio station was whenever possible constantly included.

Regional radio stations
The REG function joins pressing of the RDS button of not less than 2 pages. As confirmation on the display the inscription REG OFF appears at this time.
If once again to press not less the RDS button than on 2 with on the display the inscription REG ON will appear.
Example. The program 2 Bavarian radio transfers the notice of BR 2 MUN, either BR 2 SH, or BR 2 OVV with regional programs of various contents to certain time.
At reception of these regional programs on the display the inscription REG appears.
Whenever possible the REG function has to be included constantly.
At the movement in the area in which action of several regional radio stations is blocked and the radio receiver accepts REG radio stations worse and worse, function of reception of regional radio stations has to be switched off.
At record in memory of RDS radio stations it is necessary to press the corresponding button stations only when the name of radio station appears on the display.
EON (information of Concerning Other Networks)
EON is the RDS function which provides reception with the automobile radio receiver of all messages of radio station in the TP mode.
Irrespective of the program installed at present all TP messages of other radio stations have to be heard.
Messages on accidents have advantage before all other functions.

Notices of the display.
All information is output to the display: RDS frequency, the name of radio station, the number of stations in FM I and FM II; in compact disk play mode – CD 01 … CD 06, and in case of their absence – CD NO.

Fig. 1-68. Arrangement of buttons DX (Distance reception) (11) and SCAN (12)

Button DX (fig. 1-68). When pressing the button DX ("Distance reception" – distant reception) on it the red light-emitting diode joins, sensitivity of search of radio stations increases.
By repeated pressing the button function DX is switched off and the radio receiver passes into the mode of near reception.

SCAN button (fig. 1-68). When pressing the SCAN button on it the red light-emitting diode joins and during 8 with all radio stations and names on a compact disk and the audio cassette are highlighted.
By repeated pressing the button the SCAN function is switched off.

Fig. 1-69. Arrangement of a kassetopriyemnik (14) and switch of paths of the cartridge (13)

Player of cartridges (fig. 1-69). Turn on the radio receiver and load the cartridge in a kassetopriyemnik.
When playing the cartridge on the display the inscription TAPE is highlighted.
When playing the cartridges which are written down with system of noise reduction Dolby it is necessary to include system of noise reduction, at the same time quality of a sound improves.

Kassetopriyemnik. Move an end face the cartridge in a kassetopriyemnik. When loading the cartridge in a kassetopriyemnik the radio receiver automatically switches to cartridge play mode.
If the radio receiver works in the TP mode, playing of cartridges is interrupted by messages of radio stations.

Switch of paths of the cartridge (fig. 1-69). When pressing a key the player is reversed and cartridge paths switch.
The arrow on the display shows what party of the cartridge is lost.
Upon termination of playing of the cartridge automatically there is a reversal of the player of cartridges and switching of paths of the cartridge.

Fig. 1-70. An arrangement of the buttons CPS (15), Dolby B (16) and keys of rewind and extraction of the cartridge (17), the choice of the lost works of a compact disk

CPS button (fig. 1-70)The CPS system provides search in pauses of pieces of music.
By pressing the CPS button on it the red light-emitting diode joins. Further when pressing a key 17 "Rewind forward" or "Rewind back" begins rewind of the cartridge in the chosen party to a pause between pieces of music with the subsequent switching in the reproduction mode.

The Dolby B button (see fig. 1-70). When playing the cartridges which are written down with system of noise reduction Dolby it is necessary to press the Dolby B button, at the same time the system of noise reduction joins – quality of a sound improves.

Keys of rewind and extraction of the cartridge, the choice of the lost works of a compact disk (see fig. 1-70).
For rewind of the cartridge press the corresponding key before its fixing.
For the termination of rewind press the second key.
At the same time press both keys of rewind – the cartridge starts from a kassetopriyemnik.
As pressing one of keys it is possible to choose the beginning of the current and following work on a compact disk.
Repeated pressing of one of keys numbers of names are chosen up and down.
The chosen number appears on the display: TR 01 … TR 02 … TR 03 …, etc.

Fig. 1-71. Arrangement of the RD (18) and MODE (19) buttons

RD button: Random Play for CD (fig. 1-71). After pressing the RD button of the work of a compact disk are lost in the casual sequence.

The MODE button – the choice of an operating mode (fig. 1-71). By consecutive pressing the MODE button there is a choice of an operating mode of the radio receiver, player of cartridges or the CD player. At the same time the cartridge should be inserted into the player of cartridges.

The coded device against theft. The device is executed on the basis of the microprocessor. After disconnection of the radio receiver from electric network of the car (removal of the rechargeable battery, dismantle of the radio receiver or its initial installation) it is necessary to enter a safety code. The radio receiver can be turned on only after input of the correct code.
After turning on of the radio receiver on the display the inscription SAVE is highlighted – it is possible to enter a code against theft.

Introduction of a code
Number of a code is pasted on the operation manual on the radio receiver.
For introduction of the correct code it is necessary to perform the following operations.
– Turn on the radio receiver – on the display the inscription SAVE is highlighted.
– At the same time press the FM and DX buttons and hold them before emergence of indication "1000". Release buttons. Do not press the FM and DX button again at all, otherwise number 1000 will be accepted to a code.
– By means of buttons 1-4 (the fixed settings) enter number of a code: the first figure of a code is entered by the button the 1, second figure – the button 2, etc. Buttons 5 and 6 are not used.
– At the same time press the FM and DX buttons and hold them before emergence of indication of SAVE.
– Release buttons.
Now the radio receiver is ready to work.
If at input of a code the mistake was made, then on the display there will be an indication of SAVE in the blinking mode which then is highlighted constantly.
Repeat attempt of installation of a code. The number of attempts is reflected in the display.
If the incorrect code is entered repeatedly, the receiver will be blocked on 1 h.
In 1 h it is possible to repeat two attempts to establish a code. If they are not successful, the receiver will be blocked on 1 h.