1.4. Installation of mirrors
Internal mirror
The rear-view mirror is regulated by means of the drive lever. The mirror can be established by turn of the lever in one or the other provisions.
In a basic position the lever from below of a mirror has to be directed forward.
For an exception of the blinding action of headlights of the car going behind change a mirror tilt angle, having moved the lever back.
External standard mirror
External mirrors with the electric drive are established at the included ignition by means of the adjusting disk located in an armrest of a door (fig. 1-10).
The mirror moves in the direction corresponding to the pressed arrow on a disk.
Pressing of the left button L regulate a mirror from the driver, pressing of the right button R – a mirror from the forward passenger.
At failure of electric adjustment the provision of mirrors can be changed manually, pressing edges of a mirror.
At inclusion of transfer of a backing the mirror turns a little down if the button of adjustment of an external mirror of the forward passenger is switched on.
Thanks to it at the parking visibility of the right curbstone is provided.
At switching off of transfer of a backing the mirror automatically holds a starting position.
Mirror with folding function
By means of the handle of control A (fig. 1-11) from the driver it is possible to put an external mirror from the forward passenger and the driver.
Fig. 1-11. Provisions of the switch of a mirror with folding function: 1 – neutral situation; 2 – both external mirrors develop; And – the handle of control of a mirror; In – the switch of provision of an external mirror; L – the external mirror of the driver develops; R – the external mirror of the forward passenger develops
The handle has four positions:
1 – neutral situation;
L – there is an external mirror from the driver;
R – there is an external mirror from the forward passenger;
2 – there are both external mirrors.
Folding is recommended, for example, for protection of mirrors against damage at the parking of the car or the movement to the constrained conditions.
The mirror develops according to the pressed arrow on a disk.
If position of the case of an external mirror owing to power influence changed (for example, at a contact of other car when maneuvering), it is necessary to press both mirrors against the stop to a body by means of the electric drive. It is impossible to redeem mirror situation a hand at all not to break the mechanism of installation of a mirror.
If there is a danger of damage of cases of external mirrors, it is possible to interrupt process of pressing of mirrors to a body and their returns to a starting position.
Memory for external mirrors
The cars equipped with the device of storing of provisions are equipped also with memory of provisions of external mirrors.
Any established provision of external mirrors automatically is brought in the memory device when storing adjustments of a seat of the driver.
Before it is necessary to adjust the provision of a seat of the driver, and then to establish mirrors according to the provision of a seat of the driver.
Heating of mirrors
Heating of external mirrors with the electric drive is carried out at the included ignition and heating of back glass.