лечение спины a5e4f70f

1.20. Symbols of management

notice of autonomous heating
1 2 3rd  notice of program number – the button of hours heating (heating or supply of fresh air)
time countdown button button of direct counting of time button of the choice of the program

Installation of time
Quickly press the button of hours. The notice is switched off through 10 pages.

• Press the button of hours.
• Determine the exact time. By long pressing the button of hours indication of hours changes in the accelerated mode.

Continuous ventilation 
Normal installation for summer  
At the pressed button the device works only by means of the fan of fresh air, the electric heater does not turn on.
Inclusion and switching off or the preliminary choice of ventilation happens as well as for autonomous heating, as follows.
Autonomous heating 

Normal installation for winter 
The button is not pressed, the device works for heating.

Inclusion and switching off of heating 
• The type-setting button on autonomous heating.
• For inclusion press the button of immediate heating. There is a notice, the display shines.
• For switching off press the button of immediate heating. The notice and the display die away.
In 60 min. autonomous heating is automatically switched off.

Programming and activation of time of inclusion
It is possible to program three values of time, one of which is activated.
Installation of time is made as follows.
• Press the button of the choice of programs.
On the lit display on 10 with appear:
– turn of the programme;
– already programmed time of inclusion or the empty field (–:– –) for installation of time.
• Establish during 10 about inclusion time, pressing the button "forward / back".
• Time of inclusion of the following turns of the programme can be programmed after pressing of the button of the choice of programs. It is necessary to change number during 10 pages.

After programming the made active inclusion time is displayed.
The chosen time is switched off in 10 seconds the Display remains lit and shows number of the made active program.

Conclusion of the intensified inclusion time
Press the button of the choice of programs.
Number of the made active program and lighting of the display are switched off. The programmed time of inclusion remains for the following activization.

Installation of time of activization of the program
• Press the button of the choice of programs during 10 with until the necessary turn of the programme with appropriate time of inclusion is highlighted.
• The chosen time is switched off through 10 from later activization. The display remains lit and shows number of the made active program.

Lifting and movable panel of the hatch of a roof
The panel opens and closed at the included ignition by means of the switch.

Fig. 1-56. Arrangement of the switch of the lifting and movable panel of the hatch of a roof: And – opening; In – a raising; 0 – closing

For opening (situation A) (fig. 1-56). By turn of the handle choose the necessary position of the panel.

For a raising (situation B). By turn of the handle choose the necessary position of the panel.

For closing install the handle in situation 0.
Remote control of closing of the hatch
The movable panel can be closed not only by means of the switch, but also when locking one of forward doors of the car: detain a key in the provision of locking or hold pressed the remote control until the panel is not closed.

Fig. 1-57. Unscrewing of the screw of fastening of a reflector of lamps

On cars with the glass panel of a roof at the same time with moving of the panel the movable sun-protection screen automatically opens. At the closed panel of a roof it can be shifted back a hand.

Operations procedure at malfunction of the mechanism of the drive of the panel
At malfunction of the mechanism of the drive the panel of a roof can be closed manually.
• Remove a plafond of illumination of salon, having moved with hands its forward part down.
• Turn out two screws of fastening of a reflector of lamps and remove a casing.

Fig. 1-58. Installation of a neck (1) in an opening (2) when closing the movable panel

• Take out a krivoshipny neck of 1 (fig. 1-58) from a reverse side of a casing, insert it into an opening 2 and, rotating a neck, close the movable panel.
• Insert a neck into a casing, and a casing – into place.
• Establish and fix by screws a reflector of lighting lamps of salon.
• Establish a plafond of illumination of salon for what at first insert plastic clamps in a back part of a plafond, and then latch a forward part of a plafond.

Internal lighting and individual lamps
Forward lamps are located on a roof over a windshield.

Fig. 1-59. An arrangement of lamps and switches internal (And) and individual (In) lamps

Positions of the switch A (fig. 1-59) of a lamp of internal lighting:– management by means of contact switches on racks of doors;
       About – the plafond is switched off;
        I – long inclusion of a plafond.

Management of internal lighting
Plafonds of illumination of salon join approximately on 30 with when unblock car doors, open one of doors or take out a key from the ignition lock. In these cases the switch of a plafond has to be in provision of management from the contact switch of a door.
Plafonds immediately die away during the blocking of doors of the car or inclusion of ignition.
Illumination of salon remains included at an open door of no more than 4 min. Thanks to it the undesirable discharge of the rechargeable battery is prevented.

Forward individual lamps
Join or switched off by pressing of the corresponding switch B (see fig. 1-59).

Back individual lamp
Positions of the switch of the back individual lamp: – management by means of contact switches on racks of doors.
Lamps join and switched off together with a forward lamp of internal lighting;
        About – the lamp is switched off;
         I – long turning on of the lamp.
Illumination of a box for things
The lamp in a box for things on the place of the forward passenger burns only at the included ignition and an open cover of a box.

Fig. 1-60. Arrangement of the back individual lamp